Receive Cash For Junk Cars!
Do you have an old or dilapidated vehicle on your property that is out of use? No problem. Not only will we haul it away for you, but we’ll also give you cash in hand in exchange for it.

Light and Medium Duty Towing
It’s our mission to provide the very best towing and roadside assistance services in New York County for our customers. We can handle cargo both big and small with our light and medium-duty towing services. Reach out to our tow truck team today!

Friendly Tire Changes and Fuel Deliveries
It’s a great time to get in touch with us if you need a fuel delivery or a tire change. Our tow truck will arrive on the scene to get your car troubles handled.
About Us
Discover Our Towing Team at Chucky Automotive Corp
Chucky Automotive Corp is known for its fast and reliable towing service in New York County, NY, and the surrounding areas. As a matter of fact, we are also known for our roadside assistance services such as lockouts, fuel delivery, and tire changes. Do you have an old vehicle that you need to get off of your hands? If so, you are in luck. We will happily buy junk cars for cash. Give us a call today at (347) 992-8417 and we will get started on your services today.